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Hitting Lesson Format


Off-Season: September – February

  • Week to Week Focus: Player Development through Efficient Movement Patterning, Proprioception (Body Awareness) and Bat Speed, Power, & Barrel Control (Strength) *NOTE: The Weight Room is #1 Place for Hitting Development!

    1. Mechanics

      • This is Focus every week, but primarily we focus on weak points in the swing (weak mechanics), this varies from hitter to hitter. Weak Points in the swing show against Stressful Velocity + Movement (High Velocity or Movement you only see against HIGH LEVEL COMPETITION). Movement patterns and hitting drills are installed to create new swing mechanics and muscle memory.

    2. Bat Speed, Power, and Strength Work

      • Bat Speed Training is implemented during Off-Season Months in order to build the player’s tools: Hitting Power and Average.

      • This is done with Overload, Underload Training, Heavy Bat Training, Wrist Rolls, Heavy Grippers, Sledgehammer Training


Pre-Season - Season: February – August

  • Weekly Focus: Player Development through Rhythm and Timing with Batting Practice and Live Game Situations. Mechanical Adjustments are made as needed. Bat Speed, Control, and Strength Exercises always implemented.

    1. Batting Practice

      • Focus is to create Rhythm and Timing and Prep Players for the Season.

    2. Game Batting Practice and Game Situations

      • Purpose is to prepare as if it is a game. Off-Speed Pitches are focus as well as High Velocity Fastballs and Adjustability from Fastball to Off-Speed Drills and Practice.

    3. Mechanics: Adjustments and Drills always Implemented


Pitching Lesson Format


Off-Season: September – December

  • Week to Week Focus: Player Development through Efficient Movement Patterning, Mechanical Fixes, Power Med Ball Training, Arm Care w/Bands. New Pitches are learned and proprioception (body awareness) & control for all pitches is focus. *NOTE: it is advised that pitchers take 6-8 weeks off after season before beginning pitching lessons to give arm a rest! *NOTE: The Weight Room is #1 Place for Pitching Development!

    1. Mechanics

      • This is Focus every week, but primarily we focus on weak points in the delivery (weak mechanics), this varies from pitcher to pitcher. Weak Points are caused from many issues, including mobility, core stability, strength, etc. All issues are addressed. Movement patterns and pitching drills are installed to create new muscle memory as well as feel for all pitches. 

    2. Arm Care

      • Bands, Stretching, and Mobility are taught during this process.

    3. Power

      • Power is developed through med ball plyometrics.


Off-Season - Pre-Season: January – March

  • Weekly Focus: Player Development through Arm Care: Long Toss, Arm Strength, Arm Speed, and Velocity Training. Flat Grounds, Game Situations and Location Work.

    1. Arm Care, Arm Strength, Power Development

      • Long Toss, Plyo Balls, Med Ball Power Training, Mobility work implemented to maximize Velocity, Power, and Ground-Up Mechanics!

    2. Mechanics:  Adjustments and Drills Constantly Implemented

    3. Flat Grounds and Bullpens for Game Situations

      • Purpose is to prepare as if it is a game. Off-Speed Pitches are focus as well as High Velocity Fastballs and Adjustability from Fastball to Off-Speed Drills and Practice.


Pre-Season - Season: March – August

  • Weekly Focus: Player Development through maintenance of Arm Care, Flat Grounds, Game Situations, Location Work are focus to keep new muscle memory and prepare players for team practices, games, and season!

    1. Arm Care

      • Bands, Stretching, and mobility are taught and maintained during this process to keep the athlete healthy and ready!

    2. Mechanics

      • Adjustments and Drills Always a Focus; drills vary based on weak points in delivery

    3. Flat Grounds and Bullpens or Game Situations

      • Goal is control over all pitches and to have a repeatable delivery! Any deficiencies are addressed week to week!



*All Sessions are 1 Hr in length plus a 10 minute warm-up; We limit to 3 players/session to protect the "semi-private" lesson format and maximize skill level. Signing up is a commitment of a minimum of 3 months, most athletes are 9 months out of the year or year round with lessons.


**Our Pitching Lessons are ran in small groups on Sunday evenings in between our Arm Care and Velocity Camps! These sessions are focused on developing the complete pitcher! These sessions have multiple instructors and clients will learn mechanics, the game within the game, while learning how to pitch! Prepare, Perform, Prevail!


2020 S 600 W, Russiaville, IN 46979

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